Ways to invest in our beautiful community:
Pray for the love of Christ to be revealed, safety in programs + events, needs to be met, and the communityʼs growth through empowerment
Volunteer to become a mentor, tutor, coach, or a creative arts class teacher. Click here to learn more about our program needs.
Donate new or used items for our youth “stores,” school supplies, or athletic supplies.
Connect with us at our home base: 528 E. Yandell, like us on Facebook or follow us on Instagram, tour our website or sign up for our newsletter.
Give We accept one-time donations or monthly pledges. Visit our secure online giving page or mail checks to 810 N. Campbell St, El Paso, TX 79902
Shop to Support We have over 150 online merchant partners, including Amazon and Target, who will make a contribution to us for every purchase made using this link.
Honor a loved one on their birthday, at Christmas, or for other special events by making a gift in celebration of their life.
Estate Planning make a long-term impact on our community by remembering Ciudad Nueva in your estate planning. Our federal ID is 20-0806957