In 2015, Ciudad Nueva’s Catalyst program for high school students was created in response to seeing students from Launch Pad approaching high school and grappling with the thought of what to do after high school graduation. High school students at Ciudad Nueva who participate in the program receive skills training, learn about career options from guest speakers and set goals with an action plan to achieve them. Students receive a small stipend for participating in the program and are paid based on if they arrive on time, dress professionally, and participate in the classes. The goal of the … [Read more...]
Send Our Kids To Camp: Enchilada Fundraiser Will Help Equip Tomorrow’s Leaders

With summer just around the corner, it’s time for our annual enchilada fundraiser! We invite you to join to enjoy some homemade enchiladas with the fixings made by Ciudad Nueva parents, kids, and other community members! Why Summer Camp? Ciudad Nueva’s summer camp is a highlight every year. It’s a time when our staff and students can grow and connect while learning how to serve each other. At camp, our staff and volunteers have been blessed to witness the kids take on new challenges and walk toward deeper relationships. At camp, we work hard to equip tomorrow’s … [Read more...]
How Soccer Is Helping Deepen Community in the Rio Grande Neighborhood

Soccer has deep roots at Ciudad Nueva Youth-serving organizations have long known that soccer is an excellent tool for connecting with kids and teaching them important life lessons. Christian organizations are no exception, with many churches and faith-based nonprofits sponsoring youth sports leagues as a way to help introduce kids and their families to the life-changing person of Jesus. It’s no surprise, then, that a youth soccer team comprised of middle school kids from Ciudad Nueva would form shortly after the organization’s founding in 2004. Tom Beeman, a Ciudad Nueva volunteer for … [Read more...]
Summer Camp: Testimonies from Campers and Camp Leaders

As we wrote about in the blog earlier this month, we offer the kids from our youth programs the opportunity to go to summer camp each year. It is an opportunity for campers to have experiences they might not otherwise have and a chance for them to take the next steps in their faith journeys. Here, in their own words, is what summer camp has meant to some of our campers and camp leaders over the years. Testimonies from campers “Something that I want to remember and that I learned at camp would be that God is always there with you and that you aren’t alone even if it feels like it. He has a … [Read more...]
A Day in the Life of a Middle School Camper

Each year, Ciudad Nueva offers the kids from our youth programs the opportunity to go to summer camp. Our goal is twofold: We want to give campers an opportunity to have experiences they might not otherwise have, and we want to encourage them to take the next steps in their faith journeys. If you’ve ever been to camp, you know that these two things are not mutually exclusive. In fact, it’s often easier to be challenged to grow in our faith when we are in a setting that exposes us to new realities and possibilities. We recently sat down with our Youth Programs Assistant, Gustavo De Los Rios, … [Read more...]