COVID-19 has changed many aspects of our city. As El Paso transforms to keep its people safe and healthy, our students’ school experience this fall is new, and may feel uncertain to some. Ciudad Nueva is approaching the uncertainties of this time with faithful devotion and fresh resources for our students. El Paso parents are looking for ways to help their students thrive and find encouragement in their remote learning. Families across the city are embracing online school to prevent the spread of coronavirus and keep their students healthy. While learning from home keeps students safe, the … [Read more...]
Updated Ways To Support Ciudad Nueva During COVID-19

This unprecedented time has been remarkably difficult for everyone; the hardest effect has been the inability to build relationships in-person like we love to do. But this time has also presented amazing opportunities for growth and innovative community outreach, and we’re determined to do all we can for our community, no matter what circumstances arise. Since we’ve adjusted our community programs for COVID-19 over the last few months, we’ve come to recognize what support is most beneficial for the growing needs of our community. It’s because of the incredible people that … [Read more...]
Ways You Can Help Support Our Mission During COVID-19

At Ciudad Nueva, we’ve been working hard to keep our youth programs running to the best of our ability, despite the ongoing impact of COVID-19. With many of our events and in-person activities canceled to support physical distancing, we’re working to find fresh ways to connect with students in our community wherever possible. In fact, our mission is more important than ever in this season, and we couldn’t continue our work without our incredible staff, volunteers, and supporters. As students navigate what it means to do school from home, our mentors and volunteers have strived to support … [Read more...]
Reflecting on the Old, Looking Forward to the New in 2019

What community goals did we meet last year, and what will we be working on in 2019? The turning of the calendar from the old year to a new is the perfect time to reflect on where we are in our personal lives, and it’s a great time to look back on what we’ve accomplished as an organization as well. There’s always so much more work to be done, but we’re truly amazed and grateful that we have truly done some incredible things this year! It’s all through the hard work and dedication of our neighbors, staff members, volunteers, and partners. In our main program areas, these are some of … [Read more...]
Growth and Opportunity Made 2017 a Year to Celebrate at Ciudad Nueva

Kids are so great at celebrating. I recently watched one of my kids after a great performance that helped her team win a big game. The delight and pleasure radiating from her face made my heart want to burst. She was completely absorbed in enjoying that moment of triumph with her teammates. As adults we rarely experience those moments of pure, all-encompassing joy. Maybe the birth of a child or another big event compares, but the day-to-day victories often get swallowed up by the demands of life. That’s why it is so important to stop and acknowledge our progress along the way, and the … [Read more...]