Ciudad Nueva strives to create and maintain programs that highlight the existing assets of the community members in the Rio Grande neighborhood. Those assets include resources, skills, experiences, and simply living in the community. Although the median household income for families in this area is $21,574, one significant asset that many individuals in the community have is the skill of entrepreneurship. They often sell goods or provide services as a way to generate needed income, but without certain financial assets or knowledge on how to leverage or grow their services as a small business, … [Read more...]
“I’m The Ear!” — Launchpad Coordinator Tamy Diaz Shares How Listening and Loving Our Neighbors Has Blessed Her

Tamy Diaz is our multi-talented Launchpad Coordinator and Community Connector, and we have the honor of spotlighting her talents! Part of the Family Tamy has been involved with Ciudad Nueva for the past 15 years. Her children started attending our programs when they were little, and two of them are still involved. She shared that for her kids, “Ciudad Nueva is their second home.” As her kids grew-up in programming, she became more and more intrigued and drawn into Ciudad Nueva’s mission. At the time, she was working as a housekeeper, putting every dollar toward rent and bread on the … [Read more...]
Learning Pods Bring New Life to Remote Learning for Ciudad Nueva’s Students

COVID-19 has changed many aspects of our city. As El Paso transforms to keep its people safe and healthy, our students’ school experience this fall is new, and may feel uncertain to some. Ciudad Nueva is approaching the uncertainties of this time with faithful devotion and fresh resources for our students. El Paso parents are looking for ways to help their students thrive and find encouragement in their remote learning. Families across the city are embracing online school to prevent the spread of coronavirus and keep their students healthy. While learning from home keeps students safe, the … [Read more...]