While the issue of immigration may have a highly political charge in our country right now, for Ciudad Nueva, immigration has a personal face. Some of our team at Ciudad Nueva have migrated to the United States. Immigrants are our neighbors. They are our friends. In addition, as a border city, we are accustomed to welcoming guests with open arms, making sure they enjoy the best food, and showing them all that is beautiful in El Paso. Making real connections with neighbors near and far The shifting sands of current immigration policies and divisive national conversations have left many in our … [Read more...]
Ciudad Nueva’s Immigration Legal Services Provides Reliable Immigration Advice

Working in communities over many years, we have addressed many different kinds of need — some big and complex and some very small but still important. Sometimes we can work together with community members to discover simple solutions with resources from inside the community. Our Food Co-op is a great example of harnessing the resources and energy within our community to meet a need. You can read more about that project here. Other challenges require more time and more expertise to address properly. Immigration is definitely one of those issues. It is not something we can give flippant or … [Read more...]