Foundations of Giving For over seventeen years The Church of St. Clement has been cultivating community spirit and fellowship through the ministry of Ciudad Nueva. Together, they have designed programs to reach out to the children and families of the Rio Grande district of downtown El Paso. What started out as a small idea with a big goal has grown to a fully developed program that fosters the spirit of loving the community and giving back to it. Dr. Tom Beeman, a former military nurse and nursing professor at UTEP, found a place in Ciudad Nueva. As a member of The Church of St. … [Read more...]
“I’m The Ear!” — Launchpad Coordinator Tamy Diaz Shares How Listening and Loving Our Neighbors Has Blessed Her

Tamy Diaz is our multi-talented Launchpad Coordinator and Community Connector, and we have the honor of spotlighting her talents! Part of the Family Tamy has been involved with Ciudad Nueva for the past 15 years. Her children started attending our programs when they were little, and two of them are still involved. She shared that for her kids, “Ciudad Nueva is their second home.” As her kids grew-up in programming, she became more and more intrigued and drawn into Ciudad Nueva’s mission. At the time, she was working as a housekeeper, putting every dollar toward rent and bread on the … [Read more...]
Every Dollar Makes a Difference: We Are So Thankful For Our Generous Supporters!

The Selfless Giving of our Community As the end of this unique year approaches, we are reflecting on the generosity of our supporters. Those who chose to donate to Ciudad Nueva in 2020, no matter what amount, have made an incredible impact on our community. God can use your prayers, volunteer work, and donations — even donations of $10 a month — to accomplish His good work here in El Paso. People who support Ciudad Nueva through prayer, service, or donations are people who invest in our local community. We are so thankful for those who have given through these times of financial … [Read more...]
Updated Ways To Support Ciudad Nueva During COVID-19

This unprecedented time has been remarkably difficult for everyone; the hardest effect has been the inability to build relationships in-person like we love to do. But this time has also presented amazing opportunities for growth and innovative community outreach, and we’re determined to do all we can for our community, no matter what circumstances arise. Since we’ve adjusted our community programs for COVID-19 over the last few months, we’ve come to recognize what support is most beneficial for the growing needs of our community. It’s because of the incredible people that … [Read more...]
Ways You Can Help Support Our Mission During COVID-19

At Ciudad Nueva, we’ve been working hard to keep our youth programs running to the best of our ability, despite the ongoing impact of COVID-19. With many of our events and in-person activities canceled to support physical distancing, we’re working to find fresh ways to connect with students in our community wherever possible. In fact, our mission is more important than ever in this season, and we couldn’t continue our work without our incredible staff, volunteers, and supporters. As students navigate what it means to do school from home, our mentors and volunteers have strived to support … [Read more...]